When Life Throws You a Curve, Become an E-Learner

When Life Throws You a Curve, Become an E-Learner image

COVID-19 has changed our lives. For some, it means lost jobs or incomes. For others it means changing careers, or reinventing the way you do your existing job. And for many students, it means a whole new way of learning. For me, it meant becoming an e-learner.

In April, after 20 years at my job, I was laid off due to COVID-19. For the past few years, while still at my job, I needed a change and I thought about taking classes to change careers. I spent months doing research on what class(es) I might take, and from where. Would I go in-person or online? How much would it cost? Would I have the time? But I always found excuses not to do it – work was too busy, I didn’t have the time, I didn’t have the money. Well, now that I didn’t have a job, and we were in the middle of a quarantine, I had nothing but time, so I decided to go back to school. 

It’s been about 5 months since I was laid off, and I’m about halfway through the certification program I signed up for. I wasn’t sure what it would be like being a full-time student again, but I have to say, I am happy I did it. It gave me a new outlook on my future and a new excitement for moving my career into a new direction. 

Today, e-learning is more popular than ever, with countless individuals realizing the benefits that online learning can offer. According to Market Research, American graduates (52%) and undergraduates (39%) consider online learning better than classroom learning, and Forbes says the worldwide e-learning market is projected to be worth $325 Billion by 2025, compared to 2014 when it was worth $165.36 billion. This means the e-learning market will have nearly doubled in a decade.

If you are out of work, or just looking for a change, my advice is – become an e-learner. Start small, take one class. Now is the time. As e-learning becomes more and more popular, there are tons of options at all different price ranges, and JazzJune can help. JazzJune’s hope is to change the way we look at online learning. Our hope is to make it easier to become an e-learner, to make that career change, or to take that class you always considered taking. 

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