5 Principles of Instructional Design

Instructional designers utilize a systematic process rooted in sound, research-based theory when designing, developing, and delivering an educational curriculum. The designers employ strategies like behaviorist learning theory, cognitivist learning theory, and constructivist learning theory while constructing the exercises, activities, and assessments.

Listed below are the five principles instructional designers use when creating a successful learning program.

1. Customized Programs

Each educational program built by instructional designers is created with the focus and customization of the targeted audience. Each individual’s strengths and areas of improvement are taken into consideration when planning the curriculum and course of action.

The instructional designers customize the learning exercises, activities, and assessments to the learners’ needs. The best interest of the learners is what is most important when creating an educational course.

2. Promotes Encouragement

In order for the learners to feel motivated throughout the course, it is important to create a program that encourages participation. This is done by designing captivating content and creating an engaging experience for each learner. Instead of only utilizing textbooks and standardized testing, instructional designers use graphics, videos, meaningful discussions, and so forth to create curriculums learners can connect to.

3. Clear Objectives

It is critical to have clear, measurable learning when designing a learning program. It is the first step to creating a successful educational program because it paves the way for all the decisions about the curriculum made forward.

It affects the exercises, activities, and assessments. A clear objective also allows instructional designers to measure the amount of knowledge learners take away from a course, and conclude if the goal was met or if any modifications need to be made.

4. Creates Consistency

Designing a program that creates consistency allows learners to have a routine and not feel overwhelmed. An inconsistent program could cause confusion, resulting in learners falling behind. Establishing clear expectations allows the learner to feel comfortable and have a manageable workload.

5. Simplified Learning

Over-complicated educational curriculum creates a stressful and overwhelming learning experience, which is not beneficial for the learner. Simplifying the curriculum ensures that learners will be able to comprehend the material and create a strong foundation of understanding.

When learners have that strong foundation, they are able to build off of that. It is also important not to over-simplify a course, because if the learner is not challenged, they will be less engaged.

Conclusion – 5 Principles of Instructional Design

In conclusion, instructional designers follow these five principles because it allows them to consistently design, develop, and deliver educational programs that are in the best interest of the students and align with the desired goals. These five principles have proven to be highly effective and beneficial for learners, ensuring that they can reach their full potential.

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